Who Should Be In Charge of Managing a Brand’s Social Media Pages?

6 comments on “Who Should Be In Charge of Managing a Brand’s Social Media Pages?

  1. Definitely think it depends on the needs and currently capabilities of the brand. However, even if an agency is handling pages for the time being, it’s their responsibility to educate the in-house staff of a brand on social media monitoring and responses, and the impact/importance beyond posts and tweets.

    • Hi Faith –

      I tend to agree that it depends on the needs of the client, though there are several pieces that need to be involved in managing the page(s).



  2. As mentioned above, depends on brand and it’s internal structure. In-House has a more direct and personal touch to responding and being proactive on updates, new features or simply building a relationship with it’s audience. I think a ‘combo’ would only work after a certain trial period where the company is trying to get their message to the PR or Ad Agency.

    • A combo can definitely work well if there’s a good training process in place to make sure that the external team is kept up-to-speed on company happenings. Appreciate the comment, Nicholas, keep ’em coming!

  3. To create a world class brand in the Social Media Era, a marketer must differentiate their product to create a brand. Products have two sides to them. A product has a functional side and a product has a relational side. To create a brand, a marketer must create an almost human relationship between the brand and its customers.

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